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TCCWD Candidates Endorsed by City…Why?

I still stand by my July comments and defense of the entire 266,000 acres that TCCWD covers versus giving in to the request by Golden Hills and the City of Tehachapi for 75% of the imported water (see article link below). This water was brought up the hill to support the entire area and be shared by all, not just for the benefit of a small area, or growth into a large city. The imported water is highly variable and to be quite honest, it's already in full demand by existing homes, businesses and agriculture in our entire area.

The City and Golden Hills would like to take this highly variable and declining water from EXISTING customers so they can build more homes and turn Tehachapi into a bigger city that relies on imported water. Sorry if you were using it for something else, they think their NEW use is more imortant than your EXISTING use. Think Los Angeles. By doing this, the city officials can justify their salaries and pensions, make their friends millions of dollars, and then retire somewhere else. Be careful who you vote for.


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